Mobilising financial resources for cultural projects

The course is designed to provide participants with the skills and knowledge they need to create a business model for their project, draw up a budget and identify sources of funding. It is aimed at those with artistic and cultural projects who wish to define a financial framework for their project and discover the different specificities of this sector.

Beneficiaries from outside Tunis will have their accommodation and transport paid for.

5 days

Al Badil

Tunis, Cité Mahrajène

Registration deadline


Objectives : 

  • Identify the different sources of funding specific to cultural projects. 
  • Create an economic model. 
  • Define and monitor a budget.

Course programme

The course will be led by the trainer and will focus on the financial aspects of cultural project management. Professionals will be invited during the week to share their experience and expertise on the subject.  

Target Audience :

Holders of artistic and cultural projects. Applicants must have a project already developed, a clear vision and an analysis of the project they want to run. The course is not aimed at beginners or those who are at the ideation stage of their project.  

Training schedule : from 16 to 20 September 2024, from 9am to 5pm

Number of participants : 12/14 people


Speakers / Trainers

Cyrine Gannoun

Specialist in cultural management, director of the Théâtre El Hamra.