Coaching for Interpretation in Contemporary Dance - Sousse

A workshop in contemporary dance for dancers on the path to professionalism. 

The workshop focuses on acquiring advanced techniques in contemporary dance and working on the interpretation of instructions given by a choreographer or director.

4 hours per day over 3 days

Al Badil

Mixed Studio, Sousse

Registration deadline


Objectives : 

- Refinement of techniques to be able to audition for a dance performance. 

- Professional external evaluation of dance techniques. 

Training Overview : 

- 1.5 days: Advanced technical course 

- 1.5 days: Workshop on improvisation based on given instructions and constraints.

Training Schedule : June 21st to 23rd, Gabes 

Format :4 hours per day over 3 days

Target Audience :

Professionalizing dance performers (no age or diploma limit)

Language : tunisien 

Number of Participants : Maximum 15 

Speakers / Trainers

Marwen Errouine

Tunisian performer and choreographer trained at the Choreographic Dance Training Center (CCM) under the direction of Imed Jemaa and at the Mediterranean Center for Contemporary Dance.