Coaching for Interpretation in Contemporary Dance - Gabès

A workshop in contemporary dance for dancers on the path to professionalism. 

The workshop focuses on acquiring advanced techniques in contemporary dance and working on the interpretation of instructions given by a choreographer or director.

4 hours per day over 3 days

Al Badil

Danseurs Citoyens Sud, Gabès

Registration deadline


Objectives : 

- Refinement of techniques to be able to audition for a dance performance. 

- Professional external evaluation of dance techniques. 

Training Overview : 

- 1.5 days: Advanced technical course 

- 1.5 days: Workshop on improvisation based on given instructions and constraints.

Training Schedule : June 21st to 23rd, Gabes 

Format :4 hours per day over 3 days

Target Audience :

Professionalizing dance performers (no age or diploma limit)

Language : tunisien 

Number of Participants : Maximum 15 

Speakers / Trainers

Ahmed Ben Abid

A multidisciplinary artist born in Tunis in 1996, is a graduate from the Institut Supérieur des Arts Multimédias and has mastered graphic design and electronic music. Passionate about dance and contemporary art, he joined joined the Centre Méditerranéen de Danse Contemporaine in 2014 under the Syhem Belkhodja and joined the Sybel Ballet Théâtre company. He has taken part in festivals in Tunisia and abroad with works such as. "Frontière de L'invisible" and "Cross Over". Ahmed is also a member of the International Theatre Building community, with whom he created "Every time I try to Move" at the YC Festival-Copenhagen 2023. His involvement with Oxfam, as an artist consultant on projects sexual and reproductive health projects, has inspired him to use his art to defend marginalized minorities. In 2023, he created "Unwell", a choreographic piece about suffering and resilience, presented at the Théâtre Francine Vasse-Nantes and at the Institut du Monde Arabe - Paris. Through contemporary dance, Ahmed raises awareness and provokes reflection current social issues, highlighting the struggle for recognition, equality and equality and respect for minorities.