Cultural Project Ideation - Gabès

The cultural project ideation training targets professionals in the cultural sector involved in the development of cultural or artistic projects. It also caters to individuals working within organizations in the process of developing a project. The aim is to assist participants in refining and realizing their ideas, thereby enhancing their skills in cultural project management. It provides a conducive environment for the exchange of experiences and mutual enrichment, thereby contributing to energizing the cultural sector.

3 days

Al Badil


Registration deadline


Objectives :

To structure the thinking of cultural professionals for the conception of their cultural and artistic projects. 

Training Overview :

Over 3 days, participants will have the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of ideating a cultural project. They will cover writing project objectives, outcomes, and expected impacts, as well as defining the specific target audience and their needs.  

Languages :French, Tunisian

Target Audience :

Cultural professionals, creators of artistic and cultural projects

Training Schedule: May 10 - 12, 2024

Number of Participants : 15 

Speakers / Trainers

Hedi Khelil

is a visual artist and university professor trained at the Institut Supérieur des Beaux-Arts in Tunis. Since obtaining a PhD in Philosophy from Sorbonne University Paris I in 2016, Hedi has been conducting his research in "post-colonial studies" and evolving in civil society as a cultural operator. Developing expertise in scaling and project monitoring & evaluation, he regularly carries out consulting missions in cultural management and social innovation for NGOs and international organizations such as the UNDP and the Drosos Foundation.