Living Within Your Bookstore


Living Within Your Bookstore

Isabelle Lemarchand

This training aims to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of practical aspects of daily bookstore management. It encompasses various aspects, from a deep understanding of customer needs, requiring sharp insights into editorial collections and industry trends, to logistical and intellectual planning for hosting authors, and finally, implementing effective customer retention strategies.

3 days


Registration deadline


Objectives :

- Acquire practical and immersive experience 

- Learn to design and implement effective promotions to attract new customers.

- Explore the planning and execution of special events to enhance the bookstore's appeal.

- Develop skills in logistical management and content when hosting authors.

- Deepen knowledge of the bookstore's inventory, trends, and target audience.

- Enhance customer guidance and advisory skills.

Training Overview :

The training program offers immersion into customer retention strategies on the first day, where participants analyze book consumption habits, conduct a comprehensive diagnosis of the bookstore environment, and explore various means of customer retention. The second day is dedicated to visual merchandising in the bookstore and optimizing profitability, with a focus on adjusting product layout, developing merchandising strategies, and optimizing the customer experience. Finally, the third day focuses on hosting authors in the bookstore, providing practical advice on establishing effective contacts, event planning, and evaluating their impact on the bookstore.

Target Audience :

Booksellers, department heads, bookstore staff, and anyone interested in the bookstore industry.

Numbers of participants : 10 participants 

Speakers / Trainers

Isabelle Lemarchand

Isabelle Lemarchand has been serving as a librarian in London since 2008. Leading a team of 8 individuals, La Page stands as the United Kingdom's historic French bookstore since 1978, specializing in general and Francophone youth literature, as well as stationery. Over the past decade, Isabelle Lemarchand has been actively engaged in the International Association of Francophone Librarians, where she was elected president two years ago. Within the IALF, Isabelle demonstrates a profound commitment to issues surrounding the training and professional development of Francophone librarians, their connections with local Francophone institutions, both in Paris and elsewhere, and enhancing the visibility of librarians within the book distribution network.