Phase 2 MASSARI X MINASSA programnamed "Talent Academy," will enable 20 to 25 selected talents to benefit from online workshops and individual coaching to deepen their skills in various visual and sound creation professions. Participants will receive personalized guidance tailored to their professional projects. During this phase, there will be one 2-hour workshop/meetup and one hour of individual coaching per week over a period of 5 months. At the end of this phase, 8 to 12 talents will be selected for international mobility opportunities.

5 months


Mostly online

Registration deadline



MASSARI x MINASSA is a 4-phase program aimed at contributing to the professionalization of the cultural sector in Tunisia through training and mobility schemes. It will support over 100 talents in Tunisia. Target beneficiaries include diverse profiles such as entrepreneurs, artists, and professionals in the cultural domain.   The program targets a diverse range of profiles, including entrepreneurs, artists, and cultural professionals in sub-sectors such as photography, video, motion design, 3D modeling, graphic design, illustration, VJing, podcasting, sound and music production, etc. 

Training Structure:

 “Talent Academy” is a module of technical and sector-specific training offered in 4 paths, each addressing specific themes : 

  • 8 "Boost Yourself" training : public speaking, personal development, pitch preparation sessions, theater, etc....
  • 12 sector-specific trainings under "Boost Your Creative Skills":
    4 workshops for visual creation module (storyboarding and visualization, digital art creation, visual storytelling, etc.)
    4 workshops for sound creation module (analysis of soundtracks, equipment selection, client and director demands, etc.)
    2 workshops for content creation module (music editing on visuals, mastering the art of storytelling, etc.) with 2 meetups and 4 individual coachings per module
  • 4 "Boost Your Project Management Skills" trainings:project management, administrative and financial management, intellectual property, along with 2 individual coachings per talent. . 

12 "Boost Your Professional Project" trainings : talents choose between entrepreneurship or artistic paths based on their projects.
- Entrepreneurship path: 6 workshops to create a business plan, identify funding needs, with 1 networking workshop and funding opportunities, and 8 individual coachings per talent.
- Artistic path: 6 artistic workshops to develop an artistic residency dossier, receive guidance in artistic production, with 1 workshop on creative research and 8 individual coachings per talent.

Target Audience:

The program targets a diverse range of profiles, including entrepreneurs, artists, and cultural professionals in sub-sectors such as :
- photography, video, motion design, 3D modeling, graphic design, illustration, VJing, podcasting, sound and music production, etc.
Initially, 100 talents joined phase "Get Into Creativity," with up to 15 talents having direct access to phase "Talent Academy" and joining the MASSARI X MINASSA cohort consisting of 20 to 25 talents. . 


The "Talent Academy" phase module will primarily take place online to facilitate access for sector professionals across the country. Occasional in-person events will be organized alongside the training program. 


La phase “Talent Academy”will start in late September 2024 and conclude in mid-January 2025 with a selection committee choosing 8 to 12 talents for international mobility opportunities.   It will last a maximum of 20 weeks.

Training Schedule:

Group workshops in phase 2 "Talent Academy" are scheduled every Wednesday from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM, with meetups every other week on Fridays from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM. Individual coaching sessions will be arranged on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, to be determined by the participants.  

Number of Participants:

Un maximum of15 participants will be selected for the "Talent Academy"training module. They will be invited to join an intermediate selection committee to assess the alignment of the program with each participant's project. 

Speakers / Trainers