The Book Supply Chain

This training offers an in-depth exploration into the lifecycle of a book, from its editing process to its distribution in bookstores and ultimately into the hands of readers. Participants will gain practical negotiation skills with publishers and distributors, learning to establish strong relationships with stakeholders in the book supply chain to optimize purchasing and distribution conditions.

3 Days



Registration deadline


Objectives :

Provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the overall process related to book production, distribution, and sales.

Training Outline:

On the first day of our training program, participants delve into acquiring essential knowledge, including the lifecycle of a book and key relationships within the book industry, through case studies and an interactive workshop on negotiation between publishers and distributors. The second day focuses on a Market Trends Analysis and Strategic Adaptation workshop, where participants examine current trends in the book market in detail and learn to adjust their bookstore strategy accordingly to remain competitive in an ever-evolving market.

Target Audience :

All stakeholders in the book supply chain

Training Schedule:

June 22 and 23, 2024 (a second session is scheduled for 2025) 

Number of participants: 20 participants

Speakers / Trainers